Sea Glass Lessons – Finding my place in the case

Helen’s Piece

My friend Helen calls from Hampton Beach to tell me that she brought my sea glass pendant into a store filled with other artists’ sea glass jewelry, and the sales clerk was complimentary of my work.  She was interested enough in my style, to ask Helen more questions when told I was starting a new business.  Helen was happy for me and calling with the name of the shop for me.  Isn’t that what we all want?  To find our place ~ among all the others?  To be “chosen”?  Not to the exclusion of all others ~ but with a specificity that still leaves us feeling valued for what only we can bring?  We want to hear, “The case will not be quite complete unless I have a touch of your Sea Glass Catch.”

I want to claim my space in the case now. For so many years, I would not even ask.  Now I am going into boutiques with samples of my work, holding out my pieces like offerings, lovingly and without fear.  I’m a little stunned now that two more shops want to carry my jewelry.  It’s wonderful to be chosen.  But even more wonderful, is that I am being courageous on my own behalf.  The artist inside of me waited decades to be championed by the one person who was up to the task ~ Me!

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